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FILM: Seattle Jewish Film Festival Shorts Program

  • Gesa Power House Theatre 111 North 6th Avenue Walla Walla, WA, 99362 United States (map)

When people speak of grit, they usually mean the power of perseverance. From a secular mindset, grit is a manifestation of stick-to-it-tiveness. For this block of short films, we explore a more divine form of resilience, hashivenu — a reaffirming of faith in challenging times of grief or crisis. This strand of seven cinematic gems exhibits the transformation through adversity to resilience.

Join us for the Seattle Jewish Film Festival for 2025’s short film showcase, Hashivenu: Return Us. Our Director of Film Programming, Warren Etheredge, curated this short film collection.

April 1

Workshop: Composting Basics

April 3

First Thursday: A Kaleidoscope of Handbell Music