Let’s promote your event!
Lamppost Banners
There are 111 lampposts that are available for banners in the downtown. The banners on the lampposts are controlled by both the city of Walla Walla and the Downtown Walla Walla Foundation. The Downtown Walla Walla Foundation runs the program and hires the person who puts them up and takes them down. At the end of the year the city and the Downtown Walla Walla Foundation split the revenue after expenses have been deducted. The banners are intended only for community events and the content must be approved by the Downtown Walla Walla Foundation before the banners are erected.
In conjunction with the City of Walla Walla, the Downtown Foundation administers the Event Banner Program for local organizations interested in promoting their event. If you have any questions regarding the rules or application, please contact us.
In a partnership to encourage and support cultural and community events the Downtown Walla Walla Foundation (DWWF) will administer the Event Banner Program in partnership with the City of Walla Walla (CWW). As the administrative authority the DWWF is responsible for reviewing Event Banner applications, confirming Event Banner reservations, and scheduling and executing the installation and removal of Event Banners on selected City-owned decorative street light poles.
Program Use
Use of this program will be limited to announcements of activities and civic events held within the City of Walla Walla or Walla Walla County, with priority given to activities within the City of Walla Walla when conflicts occur. Both non-profit and for-profit organizations may use this program. All use is limited to events or activities that are of community nature, i.e.; cultural, historical, sporting events. Banners may not be used for political or commercial purposes (i.e., to advertise products or services) and lewd or obscene material as defined in RCW 7.48A.010 (2) is prohibited. All revenues generated from event banners will be used to maintain the downtown LID street improvements, i.e.; decorative light poles, refuse containers, bike racks, tree lights, tree pruning, holiday decorations, street banner poles, benches, flower basket hardware, etc.
Banner Locations
There are 111 banner pole locations in the downtown core available.
Event banners may be installed on a fraction of the poles or the full 111.
Locations must be in a contiguous pattern with an origination point at a logical terminus.
Requested banner locations are determined based on availability at the time the completed application is approved and payment is received.
Banner Specs
All banners are to be 24” X 48”;
Openings: 4" pockets across the top and bottom with double stitched turn down;
Grommets must be installed on the upper and lower inside corners;
Approved Materials
Cotton Canvas
Other fabrics with equivalent strength or approved by the DWWF.
Banner Design
The intent of the Banner Program is to provide an engaging and artistic outlet to promote your community or cultural event. The following points are guidelines to use as you design your banners. The DWWF evaluates each submission on a case-by-case basis based on these guidelines. It is strongly recommended that you obtain approval of your design before you order the banners to be printed; the DWWF will not assume responsibility for any costs associated with non-approved banners.
All event banners must feature an event date.
Organizations may have a one-venue-to-one-event banner ratio. More event banners are permitted, but the total number of venue banners must be limited to no more than half of the total reservation quantity.
Banners must add color and interest to the downtown corridor.
Event host organization logos may be approved as banner artwork.
Any sponsoring organization logos are limited to 20% or less of each banner.
Viewers must be able to read the banner within 2-3 seconds while driving by.
Letter size should be no smaller than 3" in height.
The fewer words, the better. Let your graphics and a handful of words convey your message.
Banners must be printed on both sides of the material.
Liability Waiver
All applicants must sign and submit a liability waiver form acknowledging that the City of Walla Walla and the Downtown Walla Walla Foundation are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged banners after they are hung.
Time Limits
Event Banner Applications must be submitted no less than four full weeks prior to the requested installation date.
Banners may be installed for a maximum of two (2) weeks prior to the event start date.
Banners may be installed for a maximum of four (4) weeks following the event start date.
Banners may be installed for up to six (6) weeks per approved installation.
DWWF will remove banners immediately after the final event date.
Fees for the placement of banners, per three week period:
$35 per banner: non-profit organizations designated as a 501(c).
$45 per banner: for-profit organizations.
A fee of $40/per hour will be charged for any changes or early removal of Event Banners different than the final event date as indicated on an approved application. Contact the DWWF for a Change Order Form.
Banner applications shall be received and considered on a first-come, first-served basis and can be sent up to one year in advance.
DWWF has the right to limit any one organization to a maximum of two event banner pole reservations per year; January 1 – November 30.
Incomplete application will not be considered until all materials are submitted.
Downtown Walla Walla Foundation may withdraw approval of an application if, upon receipt of the banners, they are found not to comply with content, design and/or construction requirements as defined in this policy.
Certificate Of Insurance
All applicants must provide the Downtown Walla Walla Foundation a Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the City of Walla Walla as an additional insured in the amounts of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate.
A request to install banners on City-owned utility poles must be made on “Event Banner Program Application” forms available at the Downtown Walla Walla Foundation and must be submitted no less than four full weeks prior to the requested installation date. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible as availability is limited and reservations are made on a first come, first served basis.
Upon receipt of an Event Banner Program Application, DWWF staff shall verify that the proposed banner complies with all requirements of this policy.
Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. The DWWF will send a letter to the applicant detailing missing components. Complete applications will be considered first while the DWWF waits for these components.
The Event Banner Program Application must include a drawing, graphic, or photo of the proposed banner that includes all proposed wording and details the banner design and construction, as required by this policy.
If the Event Banner Program Application is not approved, DWWF staff contact the applicant to explain why.
Once approval has been given, DWWF staff will mail an invoice to the applicant for the required fees. The reservation of the approved banner spaces shall not be considered confirmed until full payment is received.
The physical banners must be delivered to the DWWF office no sooner than 5 days and no later than 2 days before scheduled installation date.
Any deviation from the specified procedure, any of the stipulations agreed upon by the authorized signature on the completed Event Banner Application or unauthorized changes to the approved banner design specifications herein is cause for the DWWF to either refuse to install or to remove any banner at any time.